I. Products
OEM products are 100% brand-new authentic items. These are products originating from official European factories, returned to the factory because they didn’t meet certain standards to be displayed on shelves. They may have minor imperfections (unnoticeable to the naked eye). If you have used authentic products before, you’ll easily recognize this category. We guarantee these items are authentic and do not differ from shelf-stocked products. Simply put, these are items produced in the original European factories located in France, Italy, and Spain.
Simply hold it in your hands and experience it yourself. Most of our customers are luxury connoisseurs who can easily identify this line of products. Additionally, you can compare it directly with images on official websites or at brand stores. If there are discrepancies or incorrect deliveries, we take full responsibility, including immediate refunds and covering all associated costs. While some customers have had these products authenticated with positive results, we do not encourage this approach. Since these items are not purchased directly from stores, if customers or sellers misrepresent them as such, we reserve the right to discontinue service.
Products that do not meet shelf standards must return to the factory and be destroyed per regulations. Some individuals within production may collaborate to sell these items for profit. The process of extracting these items is complex and risky, often resulting in products lacking original boxes or being available in limited quantities of 1-2 items.
Gabrielle Paris assures that no fake products on the market meet a true 1:1 standard or compare to in-house items. These are genuine products, produced with original materials, labor, and machinery from the factory. The cost of customs to import these items from Europe to Vietnam is substantial. While the price may differ significantly from market imitations, it is reasonable for owning authentic items.
Yes, they can pass customs without issues. Gabrielle Paris products are 100% authentic, produced, and finished in OEM factories linked to major brands. For jewelry items, customers can even take them to brand stores for cleaning and maintenance services.
We offer consignment support for customers who no longer need their items. Pricing depends on the item’s condition at the time of transaction. Bags with over 98% quality retention can be traded in at nearly the original price.
II. Payment
We require a deposit of 50%-70% for pre-order items and offer COD for in-stock domestic orders. Full payment is required for international orders shipped to countries such as the U.S., Australia, Canada, and Europe. Payment methods include Zelle, Venmo, Wise, Western Union, Remitly, and PayPal.
III. Transportation
Our customers are primarily from countries such as the U.S., Australia, Canada, Korea, Japan, and the Middle East. Shipping costs range from $80 to $90, including insurance against loss.
Branded items face higher customs and tax risks, increasing costs by 50%-70%. We subsidize one-third of these costs for our customers. Typically, shipping a bag with its box and accessories costs $130-$150.
With over 5 years of global shipping experience, Gabrielle Paris ensures every package is insured. In case of loss, we will immediately send a replacement product to compensate.
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